LED Street Lights – North East Lincolnshire
We’ve helped North East Lincolnshire create a brighter future by replacing traditional street lights with low energy LED lights.
The move to white-light LEDs is making substantial savings in energy and carbon emissions, as well as improving visibility for road users, pedestrians and residents. Traditional street lighting places a huge financial burden on councils. Councillor Ray Oxby said, “The council spends £3 million a year on electricity across its estate, so this project will make a significant contribution to our overall savings targets, and also a big impact on our carbon reduction targets… there are also wider social benefits, such as making the area more attractive and making people feel safer.”
We are proud to have worked with North East Lincolnshire Council for over 20 years and are enthusiast about utilising advanced technology for the benefit of the community and environment. LED lighting improves visibility at street level while reducing light pollution overall. The lantern replacements have a vastly improved lifespan, contain no hazardous materials, have a high recycled content and are compliant with RoHS regulations.
Despite the scale of the project, we completed well ahead of schedule. The efficiency of our installation and subsequent savings to the Council has led to the commissioning of 3,500 additional units, bringing the total to almost 20,000.
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