How considerate was that
After a recent Considerate Constructors Scheme audit on our M62/M18 NRTS Upgrade scheme, being carried out for Fluor, CSS both congratulated Lee Swift and his team on their performance and went on to state:
‘This site has complied with the Scheme’s Site Code of Considerate Practice by achieving a score of 4 or above in each of the eight sections. Please find attached the Performance Beyond Compliance Certificate to confirm the site’s achievement. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your efforts in improving the image of construction and to thank you for your continued support for the Scheme.’
The Considerate Constructors Scheme is the national initiative, set up by the construction industry, to improve its image. Sites and companies that register with the Scheme sign up and are monitored against a Code of Considerate Practice, designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirements.
The Scheme is concerned about any area of construction activity that may have a direct or indirect impact on the image of the industry as a whole. The main areas of concern fall into three main categories: the environment, the workforce and the general public.
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