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Pioneering a sustainable future for Hillingdon and local communities

As environmental sustainability becomes increasingly critical to our sector and others, we are proud to be leading the way with a number of green innovations that enable communities across the UK to thrive. 

The London Borough of Hillingdon is a community we have served since 2017, delivering on multi-million pound term maintenance street lighting contracts that have seen traditional infrastructure replaced with sustainable LED alternatives. 

We have also made a significant investment in cleaner transportation methods to further our commitment to a greener future as part of a company-wide carbon reduction strategy – an investment that will directly benefit Hillingdon and other communities we serve across the UK. In this article, we’re shining a light on how as a business, we’re backing up our environmental promises as we target achieving Net-Zero by 2040. 

Fully electric van fleet for local authority services

To advance our mission of delivering environmentally friendly solutions, we have made a substantial investment in a fully electric van fleet. This investment highlights our dedication to sustainability and our commitment to delivering zero-emission services. We are thrilled to announce the recent delivery of our first fully electric van for use across our operations Hillingdon. This vehicle will serve residents and councils, ensuring that our services are delivered with minimal environmental impact.

The benefits of switching to electric vehicles

The introduction of our electric vans brings numerous benefits, including:

  • Zero Emissions: Our electric vans produce no tailpipe emissions, significantly reducing air pollution and contributing to a cleaner environment within Hillingdon.
  • Noise Reduction: Electric vehicles generate less noise than traditional combustion engines, reducing noise pollution and enhancing the quality of life for residents.
  • Lower Operating Costs: Electric vans are more cost-effective to operate and maintain, enabling us to provide more efficient and affordable services to local authorities and the community.

Our ironclad commitment to carbon reduction

Our investment in fully electric vans is part of our broader strategy to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability. By replacing traditional vehicles with electric alternatives, we are drastically reducing the greenhouse gas emissions we produce while setting a strong example for others in the industry. This initiative aligns with our overall goal of achieving a greener future through innovative transportation and street lighting solutions.

Installing cleaner, greener street lighting technology

Our drive towards a more sustainable future is not limited to transportation. We are also installing advanced street lighting technologies and infrastructure within Hillingdon and the surrounding areas to ensure maximum energy efficiency and carbon reduction. Our solutions include:

  • LED lighting: Utilising LEDs, which consume up to 80% less energy than traditional lamps and have a significantly longer lifespan, resulting in substantial energy savings and reduced carbon emissions.
  • Solar and wind-powered street lights: These lights operate independently from the grid, harnessing renewable energy sources to further reduce energy consumption and promote sustainability.

Sustainable solutions for Hillingdon and beyond

While we are currently busy creating a cleaner, greener future for residents in Hillingdon, our impact extends much further,as we continue to lead the charge through a wide range of third-party projects in neighbouring areas where we are customising advanced street lighting solutions to meet specific community needs. This adaptability ensures effective and efficient results, helping these areas achieve their sustainability goals and reduce their carbon footprints. 

Supporting a healthier economy and safer communities

The transition to energy-efficient street lighting and greener transportation methods not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions as part of a wider battle against climate change, but also supports a future economy that is geared towards growth. LED lights have a longer lifespan than their halogen predecessors and incur less maintenance and operating costs, providing significant short and long-term savings for local authorities.

Our smart lighting systems also enhance public safety by supporting well-lit streets and public spaces – improving both visibility and security for residents and road users.

Achieving Net-Zero by 2040 is well within our sights and it is a mission we share with many fellow contractors across our sector. The journey will have its challenges, but we understand the responsibility we have to safeguard our shared spaces and environment for future generations. By partnering with forward-thinking local authorities and private sector partners, we know we can realise a world where clean air, economic prosperity and self-sufficiency are not merely ideas, but realities.

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